
211 San Diego Community Information Exchange
211 San Diego is a phone- and web-based resource and referral service that links San Diego County residents with information on community agencies that provide health and human service programs.

Screen & Intervene: A Toolkit for Pediatricians to Address Food Insecurity

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) have released an updated toolkit designed to help pediatricians identify and address childhood food insecurity.

Addressing Childhood Obesity: Practical Office-based Resources and Strategies, HEDIS Measures, Latino Cultural Competency and Real Life Case Studies

This web-based training is available to a wide range of healthcare providers interested in resources and strategies to combat childhood obesity in clinical practice. Participants may be eligible for 2.0 CME credits.

San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition
The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition support breastfeeding through education, outreach, and advocacy in our community.

Childhood Obesity Prevention Resources for Parents

These documents have been designed in collaboration with the Schools & After-school and Early Childhood domains. They are to be used as resources to assist physicians in their efforts to advocate for childhood obesity prevention.

CMA Foundation & CaMH- Child & Adolescent Obesity Provider Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to equip health care providers with strategies to assess and treat overweight and at-risk for overweight in pediatric patients, and to offer pertinent information for providers to consider when discussing healthy lifestyles and weight management with patients.

Health Care without Harm: Healthy Food in Healthcare (PDF) & Pledge
By supporting the Healthy Food in Healthcare Pledge, healthcare facilities are demonstrating leadership by sending an important signal to the marketplace about their interest in local, nutritious, sustainable food and modeling healthy food practices.

Key Steps

The Center for Healthier Communities at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego (CHC) designed a series of Key Steps handouts outlining six key steps to prevent overweight in kids. These handouts offer providers a quick and simple resource for ensuring parents with children, ages 0 -4, receive key messages for preventing obesity in the home environment.

Toolkit for Healthy Living

A collection of resources for use by physicians that are counseling families with a child at risk or suffering from overweight or obesity.

SDIR-BMI: Registry-Based BMI Surveillance: A Guide to System Preparation, Design, and ImplementationSan Diego Regional Immunization Registry (SDIR) contains a feature that allows users to record childhood BMI. This presentation offers information on BMI surveillance of local children and the partnership between SDIR, San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative, and Altarum Institute, a national healthcare research institute.

ACOG Breastfeeding Toolkit
This resource educates mother’s on their rights to breastfeed workplace. Breastfeeding is one of the first lines of defense against childhood obesity, and this resource allows mothers and employers to advocate for clean and private breastfeeding spaces at work.

Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI) Home Page
The Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI) is an invitation for healthcare organizations across the country to join the shift to a more sustainable business model, and a challenge for them to address the health and environmental impacts of their industry. Through their website, HHI offers a suite of tools intended to make the fulfillment of this mission as easy as possible.

HHI Healthier Food Challenge

Current methods of food production, processing, packaging and distribution in the U.S. have negatively impacted human health and the environment. Health care providers have the power to counter these trends by purchasing more environmentally-sustainable foods and by serving healthier meals and beverages to patients, employees, visitors and the communities they serve. This Healthier Hospitals Initiative resource provides healthcare systems a toolkit for transforming their food environments through a Balanced Menu Challenge, a Healthy Beverages Challenge, and a Local/Sustainable Food Challenge.

Nutrition in Healthcare Leadership Team: Leading by Example
This presentation offers an overview of the mission, vision, goals, and accomplishments of the Nutrition in Healthcare Leadership Team at the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initative.

Rethink Your Drink

These resources, adapted by Rady Children’s Hospital, use a simple “traffic light” approach to educate patients, staff, and visitors about sugar-sweeteend beverages.