Domain Strategies

The following is a partial list of strategies that aim to engage government entities to prevent childhood obesity. A complete list of strategies can be located in Call to Action: Childhood Obesity Action Plan.

  • Identify policy gaps and opportunities to include healthy eating and active living in all policies and planning documents (e.g., regulations, codes, and ordinances) and implement these policies.
  • Use impacts on health as a criterion for prioritizing, selecting, and funding projects (e.g., capital, development, transportation, etc.).
  • Implement policies that support urban and rural agriculture and community gardens.
  • Adopt Complete Streets policies and active transportation plans that address all modes of transportation and create roadway networks that are safe, comfortable, and attractive for all users.
  • Increase quantity, quality, and accessibility of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities within walking distance of residences to encourage physical activity among children and families.