
The Business Workgroup plays an important role in obesity prevention by establishing and implementing policies and programs in the workplace that foster a culture of wellness and recognize the links between employee health, good business practice, and profitability. Business Workgroup stakeholders include owners and employees of privately-owned companies representing sectors such as technology, tourism, retail, hospitality, and agriculture. Given the vibrant diversity of San Diego County’s business community, the COI takes a unique approach when working with the business domain. The Business Workgroup engages in multiple COI domains and activities when tangible business opportunities can be found. COI staff and partners work with the business domain to:

  • Engage businesses and business representatives in domain workgroups and subcommittees where natural connections exist
  • Support projects and activities in other COI workgroups related to business
  • Provide resources, technical assistance, and support to businesses in making policy, environmental, and practice changes

Key Focus Areas for the Next Two Years

The Business Domain Workgroup identified four focus areas for the next two years:

  • Creating a better connection between local farmers and institutions
  • Building the capacities of growers to sell to institutions
  • Building the capacities of institutions to procure food and prepare local foods
  • Continuing outreach and engagement of businesses in other COI domains

For a more detailed description of workgroup activities, please refer to the workplan.