Childhood Obesity Summit
The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative convened over 600 national and local leaders on Thursday, September 20, 2007 to identify and engage partners in comprehensive solutions to childhood obesity. The Childhood Obesity Summit was the first of its kind in San Diego County and brought together key leaders from government, healthcare, education, early childhood, community, media, and business. Speakers and breakout sessions focused on the role each sector of the community could play in creating healthier food and physical activity environments for San Diego County children. The day’s events, participants, and activities are listed below:
2007 Childhood Obesity Summit
Do we need to populate all the rest of the tabs for links at–presentations/childhood-obesity-summit.aspx given that this is so old
Optional early morning breakout session for School and Community Based Organization Domains, seating limited.
7:30 a.m.
Early Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Viewing
8:00 a.m.
Breakout Session 1
“Working Together to Implement School Wellness Policies”
The Schools and Before- and After- School Domain Breakout Session features a diverse panel of speakers who will discuss effective strategies for working together with community stakeholders to reduce childhood obesity. Speakers will highlight local models of successful collaboration with healthcare providers, private business, elected officials, and community groups to implement school district wellness policies. Participants will also receive a binder with free and low-cost tools and resources to improve student health and support school wellness policy implementation.
Breakout Session 2
“Community-Based, Faith-Based and Youth Organizations on the Move”
The Physical Activity Breakout Session is perfect if you’re looking for new partners and resources, live demonstrations, and promising practices to help you and your organization put physical activity in motion. Join us for the launch of two new exciting resources: the San Diego and Imperial County Physical Activity database and the Prescription Card Initiative! Don’t miss out!
General Session Begins at 9:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Viewing
9:30 a.m.
Dr. Nick Yphantides, Co-chair, San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative, Emcee
9:35 a.m.
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Ron Roberts, Chairman, San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Pam Slater-Price, San Diego County Board of Supervisors
9:45 a.m.
“Shaping A Healthy Future” Awards
Jean Shepard, Director, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency
Wilma Wooten, MD, MPH, County of San Diego Public Health Officer
10:15 a.m.
Schools and Before- and After-School Providers Domain Presentation
“Building Healthy Schools & Bright Futures”
Randolph Ward, EdD, San Diego County Superintendent of Schools
Jack O’Connell, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction (Video Address)
10:45 a.m.
Businesses Domain Presentation
“Growing Good Nutrition through Successful Collaborations”
Jeff Rossman, Chef, Owner, Terra Restaurant, Terra Catering, Shalom Kosher Catering
11:15 a.m.
Physical Activity Break “What Up Warm Up” & Exhibit Viewing
Kelly Breaux, Master Trainer, KidTribe
11:30 a.m.
County and City Governments Domain Presentation
“Design Matters: What Local Governments Can do to Create Healthy, Livable Communities”
Paul Zykofsky, BArch, MUP, AICP, Director, Land Use and Transportation Programs, Local Government Commission
12:00 p.m.
12:15 p.m.
Healthcare Systems and Providers Domain Presentation
“The Future of Childhood Obesity Prevention”
Mark Horton, MD, MSPH, Director, California Department of Public Health; California State Public Health Officer
Loel Solomon, PhD, National Director, Community Health Initiatives and Evaluation, Kaiser Permanente
Kathleen Sellick, President, CEO, Rady Children’s Hospital
1:15 p.m.
Physical Activity Break “I Like to Move It” & Exhibit Viewing
Kelly Breaux, Master Trainer, KidTribe
1:30 p.m.
Community-Based, Faith-Based and Youth Organizations Domain Presentation
“Body & Soul: Health Ministry in African American Churches / Preventing Obesity!”
Glovioell Rowland, PhD, Co-Chair, Executive Committee & Co-Chair, Health Disparities, Network for a Healthy California; Assistant Pastor, Pastor of Health, Pasadena Church of God
2:00 p.m.
Media Outlets and the Marketing Industry Domain Presentation
“The Role of Media & Advertising in Childhood Obesity Prevention and Current Efforts at the National Level”
Eileen Espejo, Principal Associate, Children & the Media, Children Now
2:30 p.m.
Coronado Speed Spinners
2:45 p.m.
Childcare and Preschools Domain Presentation
“Obesity Prevention for Preschools: Healthy Start and Animal Trackers”
Christine Williams, MD, MPH, Founder and Director, Healthy Start, LLC; Vice President and Medical Director, Healthy Directions
3:15 p.m.
Physical Activity Break “Hooper Size It” & Exhibit Viewing
Kelly Breaux, Master Trainer, KidTribe
3:30 p.m.
Keynote Presentation
“Everyone has a Role to Play in Shaping a Healthy Future”
Dale Brown, Florida’s Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Champion; Two-time National Basketball Coach of the Year
4:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks
“Inspiration to Move Forward & Take Action”
George Flores, MD, MPH, Senior Program Officer, Disparities in Health, The California Endowment
4:30 p.m.
(Event activities are subject to change.)