
Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood
The website provides resources, reports, and advocacy opporunities to promote commercial-free time and space for kids.

Child and Adult Care Food Program: Aligning Dietary Guidance 
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) supports the nutrition and health of more than 4.2 million infants and children and more than 130,000 adults in care with nutritious meals and snacks. For more information on reimbursement rates, cook books for childcare centers, and wellness resources check out the link above.

Farm to Preschool
The Farm to Preschool website has all the information you need to start a school garden, create a seasonal menu, and source local produce.

First 5 Commission San Diego
The first five years of life are critical to a child’s development. These years shape a child’s success in school and in life. First 5 Commission educates and helps parents and others help children during these early years. We are committed to the vision that all San Diego children will enter kindergarten “Ready to Succeed.

Food Friends
The Food Friends have several programs available to encourage children ages 3-5 to try new foods and enhance gross motor skills through physical activity and play.

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Policy
This is a sample of a written policy promoting wellness within a childcare facility, courtesy of YMCA Childcare Resource Services.

Healthy Habits for Life Child Care Resource Kit
This resource kit provides early childhood providers with tools for conducting interactive nutrition and physical activity lessons in the childcare setting and encouraging families to adopt similar practices at home.

Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs
This report outlines standards that support key national campaigns for early development of healthy lifestyle habits and specifically assists early care and education programs with the development and implementation of best practices, procedures, and policies to instill healthy behavior and healthy lifestyle choices in our nation’s youngest children.

Tools for Use in Preschools or Day Care
Eat Smart, Move More is a North Carolina initiative that promotes increased opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity wherever people live, learn, earn, play, and pray. This organization has outlined several resources available to early childhood providers to create healthy environments for young children.

Wellness Champion Program
The YMCA Childcare Resource Service is teaming up to provide early childcare providers the opportunity to receive free training, support, and coaching by health educators in the areas of healthy eating and active living. Upon program completion, your site will receive increased visability by being placed on their preferred list.

YMCA Childcare Resource Service Childcare Finder
All licensed child care centers and family child care homes, nanny agencies and license-exempt school based programs are listed in this free referral database.